你在看台上观看十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳主场男子篮球比赛. You’re on your feet, clapping and cheering. Suddenly, you hear music, and ... 它是 ... 是佛罗里达吗? Lyrics come to your brain: “Apple bottom jeanssss, boots with the furrrr, the whole club was lookin’ at her ...“是的,是的,就是它 is Flo-Rida’s smash hit “Low,” and it’s being played live. 由一支活力乐队演奏.
You didn’t even know Penn State 阿尔图纳 有 活力乐队. 但他们听起来很棒,现在你跟着一起唱,被热情所吸引.
音乐79, 或者是活力乐队, 在这所大学注册了至少二十年, 值一个学分, and open to any interested student.
但对于上学期上过这门课的人来说,那一个学分几乎无关紧要. 重要的是一起学习、感受和演奏音乐. 不是任何音乐,而是那些在健身房墙壁上振动的东西, that will get a crowd excited, that will pump up the athletes.
这学期, twelve students were members of the pep band, most of them in their second and third semesters of playing. 他们中的许多人在高中时参加过游行和/或音乐会乐队,并希望继续演奏音乐并参与类似的经历.
Blaine Davidson and his alto saxophone. Davidson is studying electro-mechanical engineering.
Credit: Marissa Carney
Blane Davidson loved being in his high school’s marching band, 当他发现十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的乐队时, he knew he wanted to be a part of it. “It was definitely a benefit to enrolling here for me. 我来自一所很小的高中,所以我习惯在一个小乐队里演奏. 我真的很享受在一个相似的环境中继续打球的机会. And we’re a pretty tight knit group, so that’s a bonus.”
Maddie Gooch is a mallet percussionist. 在她的大学生涯中,她想做一些像蓝乐队一样的事情,但规模要小一些, so she was grateful to find her place in the pep band. 她说,当她和其他成员在一起时,她觉得自己可以做自己. “I am so comfortable around everyone. 这是一个有趣的团队,很容易与他们建立联系,玩得很开心.”
乐队的规模每个学期都在变化,但通常在15到20人之间. Students meet Thursday evenings with Josh Hillard, part-time music instructor at Penn State 阿尔图纳, 学习和排练从大乐队时代到60年代的曲目, 70s, 今天. Each member is also expected to practice on their own.
“音乐一直是我生活的激情,所以指挥和乐队演奏只是这种激情的延伸,希拉德说。. “It really is fun for me to be involved.”
在我们开始之前, I always get nervous because I think I'm going to screw up,” says Alli Snyder, who plays the mellophone. “但我没有,然后我就有了这种兴奋的感觉,想继续玩下去. It's a very fun experience.”
Alli Snyder began playing the mellophone in ninth grade. She is studying secondary education.
Credit: Marissa Carney
Liam Walters is from Roaring Spring, 宾西法尼亚. His high school didn’t have 活力乐队, 所以他不确定加入十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校会有什么期待. But he wanted to keep up with his hobby, so he took a chance. 他结识了新朋友,学习了新的音乐,并很快就爱上了这一切.
“It's unlike any other experience you can have at a game. 你可以是一个旁观者,享受一切,但作为团队的一部分,负责激励观众和团队是完全不同的. 这比站在场边或看台上更令人兴奋.”
对于亚历山大·普尔来说,加入乐队帮助挽救了他的音乐生涯. “Multiple times throughout my life, I wanted to step away from music because it felt forced on me, rather than my own decision.” But through the band, he met new and interesting people. 他在这种环境中感到很舒服,发现他对音乐的热爱又恢复了活力. “It fuels my desire to play music by choice, and because of pep band, I got into the guitar which led to getting into piano. One thing just led to all these new musical avenues.”
亚历山大·普尔为十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳鼓乐乐队演奏活塞长号. He is studying digital media arts and technology.
Credit: Marissa Carney
而在活力乐队给成员自己的快乐和满足感, they also have a job to do—and they take it seriously.
“我喜欢为观众表演,为比赛增添气氛,伊桑·鲁斯说, who plays the drums. “Nothing compares to live music. I like to believe that we bring that extra oomph, that nice vibe that you can't really get with recorded music.”
The work and talent of pep band members does not go unnoticed. “体育和娱乐部门都重视乐队的娱乐方式, promotes school spirit, and creates a fun atmosphere,约翰·凯里说。, director of Recreation and Athletic 设施. “他们给了我们的校运动队一个明显的主场优势,并可以通过激励他们成为真正的差异制造者.”
这句话的意思是:“我们的排球队很喜欢在我们的主场比赛中看到鼓乐乐队表演. 这增加了人们的兴奋感,”男排和女排总教练鲍勃·卡森(Bob Kasun)说. “这对十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校来说是独一无二的,因为我们在客场比赛时很少看到鼓劲乐队. We appreciate all they add to the environment."
Davidson says that after games the band didn’t play at, 他偶尔会收到运动员和工作人员发来的电子邮件,上面写着“我们想念你”或“希望你能参加下一届奥运会”之类的信息.’ He says it’s affirming to receive such recognition. “感觉很棒。. 这意味着我们正在做我们的工作,并产生积极的影响.”
希拉德说,他正在努力将十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳俱乐部的曲棍球比赛加入乐队的巡回演出, both in 阿尔图纳 and State College. 他还希望看到乐队在校园里变得更知名,目前的成员也同意这一点.
In the meantime, Ruth is enjoying every moment and every note. “I just love the community. 每当我们在一起交流和表演音乐时,就会感到很满足. It’s something you can't really get anywhere else.”